
Contraceptive Use Among Traditional Medicare And Medicare Advantage Enrollees

The freedom to use one’s preferred contraceptive method—or no method—is fundamental to reproductive autonomy, which is a particularly salient issue for disabled people, who face substantial barriers to person-centered contraceptive care while also being subjected to interference in reproductive decision making.

Low Use of VA Primary Care for Reproductive Health Services

National Veteran Affairs guidance recommends regular assessment of reproductive goals at primary care visits. However, Drs. Quinn, Borrero, and Callegari found that fewer than half (44%) of pregnancy capable veterans reported receiving any reproductive health services (i.e., contraceptive services, pre-pregnancy counseling or both) from a VA primary care provider in the last year. In this article the team discusses the femtech tool MyPath as a way to promote patient-centered conversations about reproductive goals and needs for services.


VHA Shark Tank's finalists - Contraception on Demand

Deirdre Quinn, PhD, MSc is one of VHA Shark Tank's finalists! Her promising practice, Contraception on Demand (COD) offers VA facilities the opportunity to expand contraceptive access for Veterans, improve Veteran experiences with reproductive healthcare at VA, and expand VA clinical pharmacists' scope of practice and job satisfaction. The practice is easy to adopt and implement and is achievable at very low cost to the individual facility and an estimated cost savings for the health system at large.

Learn more here: https://marketplace.va.gov/innovations/contraception-on-demand

Contraception on Demand is a VHA Shark Tank Finalist

Deirdre Quinn, PhD, MSc is one of VHA Shark Tank's finalists! Her promising practice, Contraception on Demand, employs two evidence-based strategies, pharmacist-led contraceptive prescribing and 12-month dispensing, to increase contraceptive access for Veterans, improve Veterans’ experiences with VA reproductive healthcare, and meaningfully expand VA clinical pharmacists’ scope of practice.

National Institutes of Health Request for Comments on Women's Health

On September 15, 2021, CWHRI faculty collaborated on a letter to the National Institutes of Health (NIH) about the current state of women's and gender health. Focusing on developing and validating meaningful measures, building data infrastructure, and developing and testing innovative interventions, these comments create a foundation for how the NIH can move forward to advance gender and racial equity in the Office of Research on Women's Health.