provider support

Creating Healing-Centered Spaces for Intimate Partner Violence Survivors in the Postpartum Unit: Examining Current Practices and Desired Resources Among Health Care Providers and Postpartum People

Through interviews with postpartum people and health care providers (HCP), Drs. Chang, Miller, and Ragavan explored:

1) How IPV is currently discussed

2) What should be included in IPV interventions

3) How to support those who disclose IPV

4) Implementation barriers and facilitators

This resulted in:

➡️HCPs reported a variety of practices to support survivors

➡️Postpartum people reported not receiving resources or education related to IPV

➡️HCPs identified a need for screening and resource provision

Men’s Experiences and Preferences Related to Cystic Fibrosis Sexual and Reproductive Health Care

Men with cystic fibrosis (CF) acknowledge the need for comprehensive CF care that includes sexual and reproductive health (SRH). Men with CF value early, stepwise, provider-initiated SRH conversations, especially around infertility concerns, counseling and care, increased life expectancy, and the need for peer support.

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