Statement - SCOTUS Decision

By now, we expect that most of you have heard about the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe vs Wade and deny the constitutional right to abortion. This decision will have devastating consequences for people’s lives and families. Abortion is commonly used, safe, and a critical component of healthcare. Research shows that the inability to obtain a desired abortion has adverse consequences for people’s physical, psychological, and socioeconomic well-being. Moreover, these consequences will most severely impact those who are less able to travel, including adolescents, rural residents, those with disabilities or serious medical illnesses, and low-income people, who are disproportionately from communities of color because of the impact of structural racism in our society. 

CONVERGE stands against this decision and will continue to produce and translate evidence that supports the reproductive health and wellbeing of people and communities.

Please feel free to reach out to CONVERGE leadership if you need support in relation to this decision.