Intimate Partner Violence, Women, and Traumatic Brain Injury in Sub-Saharan Africa

Sub-Saharan Africa has one of the highest intimate partner violence (IPV) morbidity globally. This region of the world offers opportunity for traumatic brain injury (TBI) researchers to explore deeper associations between TBI and IPV to better understand the role of gender in TBI research. However, this review by Dr. Martina Anto-Ocrah and her team show that a majority of studies described IPV prevalence, attitudinal views of IPV amongst healthcare providers and other relevant populations, or focused on IPV screeners and interventions, but rarely detailed the physical impact of IPV. This review of the literature calls on researchers to recognize and address that when a patient is a suspected victim of IPV, TBI should not be too far off in thought and that by making this connection, IPV can be viewed through a clinical lens.