mental health

A virtual, group-based mindfulness intervention for midlife and older women with low libido lowers sexual distress in a randomized controlled pilot study

Drs. Holly Thomas, Rebecca Thurston, and their team developed a virtual mindfulness intervention for midlife and older women with low libido and found that it is feasible, acceptable, and appears to improve sexual distress as compared with an education control; these findings provide data that can be used to design a larger clinical trial.

Read more about their findings here:

Barriers to Diagnosis of Postpartum Depression among Younger Black Mothers

Drs. Ashley Hill and Natacha De Genna qualitatively examined coping mechanisms and desired supports in pregnant and birthing Black and biracial adolescent and young adult women during the COVID-19 pandemic. Their team found that nearly half the interviewees reported mental health symptoms consistent with postpartum depression and that several were afraid to disclose their symptoms to a healthcare provider due to fear of child protective services involvement and their belief they would be treated unfairly because of their race.