Sarah Burns, MSW, LSW

Research Coordinator

Sarah is a licensed social worker and professional research coordinator with extensive experience in human-subjects research, qualitative research, and community-partnered-research. Sarah joined the CONVERGE staff in January of 2023 under the leadership of Dr. Tamar Krishnamurti. Dr. Krishnamurti's team is working to build an evidence-based digital support tool to help intervene on acute maternal health risks, offer support and connection to resources to new birthing parents and their infants in the first year postpartum. Sarah also does work in pediatric research with a focus on pediatric health care system access, family-centeredness, and equity.

Education & Training
Certified Practitioner of Human-Centered Design, LUMA Institute, 2022
Masters of Social Work, University of Toledo, 2018
Bachelor of Science in Photojournalism, Ohio University, 2015
Representative Publications
  • Burns, SK, Krishnamurti T, Doan TT, Kahn JM, Ray KN. Parent care-seeking decisions for pediatric acute respiratory tract infections in the US: a mental models approach. Acad Pediatr. 2023;