
Help-Seeking Among Pregnant and Postpartum Women With Lifetime Experiences of Opioid Use Disorder and Intimate Partner Violence

Drs. Chang, Krans, and Miller conducted 15 semistructured interviews with pregnant and postpartum women who have experienced opioid use disorder (OUD) and intimate partner violence (IPV). Their team found that
➡️ Partners impacted their ability to seek OUD care
➡️ Seeking help for OUD and IPV was siloed and they wished for integrated services
➡️ They were more comfortable disclosing OUD than IPV
➡️ They perceived pregnancy as a barrier and facilitator to OUD care

Creating Healing-Centered Spaces for Intimate Partner Violence Survivors in the Postpartum Unit: Examining Current Practices and Desired Resources Among Health Care Providers and Postpartum People

Through interviews with postpartum people and health care providers (HCP), Drs. Chang, Miller, and Ragavan explored:

1) How IPV is currently discussed

2) What should be included in IPV interventions

3) How to support those who disclose IPV

4) Implementation barriers and facilitators

This resulted in:

➡️HCPs reported a variety of practices to support survivors

➡️Postpartum people reported not receiving resources or education related to IPV

➡️HCPs identified a need for screening and resource provision

Understanding Medical Students' Concerns about Explicit Informed Consent for Pelvic Exams Under Anesthesia

Findings by Dr. Judy Chang and her team highlight the justifications provided by medical students who do not support explicit informed consent for pelvic exams under anesthesia.

Read more about Dr. Chang's findings here:


Racial inequities in drug tests ordered by clinicians for pregnant people who disclose substance use

Drs. Mendez, Jarlenski, Chang, and their team measured racial inequities in drug testing among pregnant people and found that clinicians were more likely to order urine drug testing for Black patients compared with their White counterparts.

Read more of their findings here:

Feasibility Testing of a Web-Based Reproductive Decision Support Tool for Cystic Fibrosis

Dr. Kazmerski , Olivia Stransky, Catherine Wright, Dr. Birru Talabi, Dr. Callegari, Dr. Chang, Dr. Miller, Ashley Deal, Raelynn O'Leary, and Dr. Borrero conducted a study on our femtech tool MyVoice:CF showing that the tool increases self-efficacy and reproductive health communication for those with cystic fibrosis.  

Read more about their findings here:

Overlap between birth trauma and mistreatment

Drs. Cynthia Salter, Judy Chang, and Dara Mendez collaborated on a qualitative analysis exploring American clinician perspectives on patient birth experiences looking at birth trauma and mistreatment. This study contributes new insight into maternity clinicians' conceptualization of patient trauma and how their descriptions of birth trauma overlap with mistreatment. Clinicians implicitly connected mistreatment with some patient experiences of birth trauma, even when they were not specifically asked about mistreatment.